Andreas Weigend, PhD
Social Data Lab and
16-18th July 2012
Meritus Mandarin, Singapore
Level 8, Meeting Suite 834
Further information at http://weigend.com/consulting
Andreas debunks the 3 myths of big data and describes how the old world-view of companies capture, store and process data is changing to one where customers create and share. He describes the PHAMEwork (Problem Ð Hypothesis Ð Action Ð Metrics Ð Experiment) and shares the importance of thoughtful metrics and experimentation. Participants will also be invited to give brief introductions and to comment on their individual objectives for the workshop.
Description of problem and expected outcomes of breakout groups
Each team gets 5 minutes to crisply present results to the others
The social data revolution is at its essence the evolution from implicit to explicit sharing. What does the future of recommendation systems based on social data look like?
Participants are invited to reflect on what was the best insight, what was the most puzzling and what they felt was missing from the day
The day can be summarized by the 4 C's of Commerce: Content, Context, Connection and Conversation
Dinner for those interested in the how different companies leverage social data, and how to build a data science team and cultivate passion in data
What is the shift from business intelligence to customer intelligence? How do companies make the shift and formulate the new equations of business? How do we prepare for the new paradigm of everything about the customer and by the customer?
Panelists will pick a topic close to their heart, and participants will pick the panelist they want to join for discussion. Expect interesting ideas to be generated!
Privacy started with cities. And ended with Facebook? Are we what we share? Do we know who we are based on where we go (geo-location) and who we hang out with (social graph)? What is the price of privacy, what are the trade-offs between privacy and convenience? Underlying is a deep notion of identity: Has it shifted from being based on attributes to being based on relationships?
Participants are invited to reflect on what they learnt from the panelists and from each other today. What will they do differently, starting tomorrow?
4.30pm Summary and Preview of Day 3
Panelist provide feedback and
reflect on what, if anything, they felt was missing from the day.
In 1999, the book "Cluetrain Manifesto" commented that markets are conversation. A decade later, conversations are markets. How will communication fundamentally change in the social data revolution?
There is an emergence of social business models that are leverages identity. What could SingTel's role be in this new trend? We'll discuss what "data ownership" means, and what it could mean.
Participants are invited to carry out one of several thought experiments, e.g., Assume nobody paid for calls any more, how would SingTel make money?
We revisit the problems of day 1 to see how attitude of participants has shifted.